Once you get your money from the tooth fairy, you’re supposed to be finished losing teeth. As an adult, though, you might find that more teeth need to come out. Here are three common reasons your dentist may recommend tooth extraction.
1. Disease
When the center of your tooth has been damaged, bacteria may cause an infection. Sometimes infections are cured by root canals or medication. Often, though, the tooth needs to come out so that the infection doesn’t spread beyond the tooth.
2. Risk
If you’re undergoing medical treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy, your dentist may suggest removing a tooth at the first sign of an infection. Additionally, he might recommend extraction if you’ve had an organ transplant. Periodontal disease also may be a factor, as it causes your teeth to loosen from your gums.
3. Overcrowding
Another reason to have teeth pulled is if your mouth is overcrowded. Some teeth may be blocked from coming in, while others may be too big for your mouth. Removing a tooth allows the rest of your teeth to have room in your gums.
Although you don’t get a visit from the tooth fairy after tooth extractions, they usually are beneficial. Visit this website for more information about teeth extractions in Chapel Hill.
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