Ideally, your teeth would last a lifetime. However, once a tooth starts decaying, it usually needs to go. Dentists typically remove your rotten tooth in one of two ways.
1. Why It Rots
Every day, your teeth are exposed to a variety of sugars and acids from your food. They combine with bacteria to form plaque. Although you clean your teeth regularly, your tooth’s enamel may break down over time, allowing the plaque to reach the softer layers of your teeth. As it penetrates deeper, a tooth may start to rot.
2. Simple Extraction
This procedure is usually performed by your dentist on teeth that you can see. You typically receive a local anesthetic. To loosen your tooth, your dentist uses an elevator, a type of dental tool. He then may use forceps for extraction.
3. Surgical Extraction
This type of extraction is typically done by an oral surgeon. Teeth that have not grown in or that have broken near the gum often require surgical extraction. You usually are given both a local anesthetic as well as intravenous anesthesia. To remove the rotten tooth, the surgeon makes a cut into your gum and uses forceps to pull the tooth out.
The thought of removing a tooth may be unpleasant at first but your mouth is usually happier afterward. Visit this website for more information about tooth removal in Raleigh.
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