Tuesday 5 April 2016

What to Expect When Getting Teeth Extracted

Most people will have to have a tooth extracted at least once in their life. Whether you’re having surgery to remove your wisdom teeth or you’re getting another tooth pulled, here’s what you should expect.

Prior to Extraction

When a dentist thinks you may need to have a tooth extracted, he or she will generally start with oral x-rays or other scans to get a clear picture of the overall structure of your mouth. This is especially true for extracting wisdom teeth, which may require surgery.

The Procedure

During the procedure you will usually receive an injection of a numbing agent so that you will not feel the extraction itself. You may also be sedated or placed under anesthesia for the extraction and you may not remember the procedure itself. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the extraction.


If you were sedated or under anesthesia for the extraction, you should expect to feel sleepy for several hours and you should not drive or return to work. In the case of surgery to remove your wisdom teeth you may have stitches that will dissolve or need to be removed after several days. You may experience some swelling or pain afterward and your dentist may prescribe a painkiller to help for several days. For teeth extractions in Apex, visit this website.

How a Dental Crown Can Help You

If you have ever experienced a damaged or weakened tooth, you know the pain it can bring. A dental crown can help in many ways including:

•    Making it easier to eat and drink
•    Reducing your pain from a damaged tooth
•    Strengthening and protecting the remaining enamel

Eat and Drink Comfortably

Eating and drinking are necessary parts to everyday life. If you have a broken tooth or an old metal or composite filling, it can be uncomfortable, or even painful, to eat and drink. A crown can help protect your tooth and make it easier for you to eat and drink again.

Reducing Pain

Tooth pain is difficult to manage and can ruin your whole day. If you have a broken or damaged tooth you know how painful it can be. A dental crown can help reduce your oral pain and make you feel that much better.

Strengthen and Protect

If you have a tooth that cannot support a filling or you have recently broken a tooth, you are at risk for losing the tooth. A dental crown can help strengthen your tooth after a root canal or restore one that is broken. This procedure can also help save your teeth that cannot be filled. For dental crowns in Morrisville, visit this website.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

What to Expect With Teeth Extractions


There are numerous treatments available for dealing with an oral infection and impacted teeth, but sometimes, the best course of action is an extraction. This is when a tooth is removed entirely. It is generally reserved for when no other treatments are possible, and your dentist will talk you through every step of the procedure.

Before the Extraction

Before you see the dentist, you may be asked to abide by certain dietary restrictions or take certain precautions. Your dentist will provide you with some general anesthesia so that you are unconscious for the duration of the visit.

How Is a Tooth Extracted?

There are generally two methods by which a dentist will remove a tooth. First, a dentist may cut away at some of the bone and gum tissue. With the use of forceps, the dentist will lightly rock the tooth out of place. There are certain circumstances where the tooth will need to be divided into several pieces, and then each piece is taken out. This one is typically saved for teeth that are too difficult to remove as a whole.

Following the procedure, your dentist will inform you of how you need to take care of yourself in the next few days. For teeth extractions in Morrisville, you should visit this website.

Dr. Frank C. Andolino II named 2016 ADA Humanitarian

"After having spent three weeks extracting teeth in a remote Tanzanian village, I climbed Kilimanjaro," said Dr. Andolino, while being interviewed from his Manhattan orthodontic practice. "En route to the summit I met a Peace Corps volunteer who was working....read more

3 Reasons to Get Cosmetic Dentistry

You should be seeing your dentist at least twice a year for routine check-ups. These ensure that your teeth and gums remain in good health, and if a problem is detected, it can be treated promptly. Over time, you may discover that there are certain imperfections in your smile that you want to fix. This necessitates a visit to a cosmetic dentist who can provide stellar results and give you a first-class smile.

One of the most typical reasons why people seek cosmetic dental treatments is to boost their own confidence. Having teeth that are stained or crooked can be a severe detriment to a person’s self-confidence. You may not smile as often and choose to keep your mouth closed during social interactions. By getting any cosmetic issues taken care of as soon as a problem develops, you will want to show off your smile in every situation.

Additionally, getting cosmetic dental procedures generally leads to better overall dental health. Most of the time, cosmetic dentistry is performed when a patient does not have any real health issues in his or her smile. However, crooked and missing teeth can lead to problems down the line. A misaligned bite can hurt your jawbone, and missing teeth can eventually lead to the surrounding teeth shifting out of alignment. To prevent these occurrences, it is best to get the problem sorted out sooner than later. Also, something as simple as a teeth whitening can lead to better health because patients usually take better care of their new and improved pearly whites.

Finally, cosmetic dentistry delivers long-lasting solutions. There are numerous types of toothpastes out there that promise a whiter smile, but very few of them will deliver the same results you will get in a dentist’s office. Other dental treatments like implants and crowns will remain viable for years to come, so you will not have to worry about getting them replaced for a while. Orthodontic treatments are available, and if you follow the instructions of your dentist, then you can be confident that your teeth will remain properly aligned for life.

Many patients are discovering the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. If there is something about your smile that you would like to fix, then you should speak with your dentist to review your options. There may be several solutions you need to choose from, and you will need to pick the best one for you. Check out this website if you want to look into getting cosmetic dentistry in Apex.

A Healthy Smile


By brushing twice a day and seeing a dental professional once every six months, you can enjoy a beautiful smile while being at a reduced risk for oral complications.

How Dental Crowns Brighten your Smile

Crowns can be used for both restorative and cosmetic purposes and can be made to match your existing tooth shape and size. A trained dentist can help you design the smile you have always wanted using crowns to reshape oddly sized teeth, cover implants and mask discolorations.

Uniform Sizing

Sometimes a permanent tooth grows in an unusual shape, or is undersized compared to the surrounding teeth.Crowns are a great way to bring all the teeth into uniformity of shape and size.

Solutions for Missing Teeth

When a tooth goes missing due to decay, accident or other causes, an implant is often the recommended solution. During this procedure, a small titanium post is inserted in the jawbone and left to heal, after which a crown is affixed to the new structure, filling the gap with a new, pearly white.

A Bright, White Smile

If you have discolored or yellowing teeth, crowns may be a good option for you. Some discoloration is not able to be fixed by traditional bleaching methods. To restore a white smile in these cases, a crown is made to match your surrounding teeth. Porcelain crowns are stain-resistant, which means you can enjoy your new look for a long time. For more information about dental crowns in Soquel, visit this website.

Visit the Dentist for Years of Healthy, Pain-Free Teeth

Taking the whole family to the dentist at least annually for a checkup is an effective modern phenomenon.It wasn’t long ago that humans suffered for years with painfully rotting teeth, or had many of their natural teeth removed.George Washington is famous for his painful teeth and their wooden replacements.Taking your family to the dentist preserves natural teeth much longer, detects oral diseases in the beginning stages and improves overall health.

The miracle of modern dentistry is the ability to detect decay and stop it before it becomes widespread.Once teeth begin to rot, or decay spreads over a large surface area, it is very hard to preserve the tooth. Today’s dentists have digital x-rays, oral cameras and other devices that allow them to inspect every surface of your tooth for danger signs.Careful, regular inspection often means your dentist has been watching a potential problem area for months, or even years, before you even need a filling.As soon as the diagnostics indicate that decay is more than just surface-deep, your dentist will intervene and fill the cavity before it can spread.The doctor will then monitor the area during future visits and ensure the filling remains tight and in good shape.

Optimal oral health means more than just avoiding cavities and promptly taking care of fillings.Your dentist also checks you gums during every visit for signs of disease, recession or swelling.Gum disease can actually lead to tooth decay, so it is important that any problems are addressed and sorted out to prevent additional issues from cropping up.Your tongue, cheeks and the other fleshy surfaces of your oral cavity can be the site of cancer or other problems, and your doctor will use magnification and other tools to perform a visual inspection and check for lumps, sores or other problematic spots.

There is an interesting connection between the health of your mouth and your overall physical condition. Many studies have indicated that problems in your mouth could indicate more serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. The link can usually be traced to bacteria levels in your mouth, so proper oral health care is essential for disease prevention. Annual dental exams can lead to earlier disease detection as well as improved vitality. Your dentist will thoroughly remove any plaque buildup, efficiently eliminating the breeding grounds for these nasty bacteria. For more information about a dentist in Capitola, please visit this website.

In Cleveland, dental students spark senior smiles

Cleveland — More senior citizens here are receiving dental care thanks to a new Case Western Reserve University School.....read more

Wednesday 3 February 2016

What to Expect When Getting Dental Veneers


Many individuals experience a great deal of trepidation when planning for any unfamiliar dental procedure. Many of those procedures, however, offer a number of necessary benefits. Dental veneers, for example, can be both cosmetic and beneficial to individuals with chipped teeth or other problems. Understanding what to expect before you get dental veneers in Cary can make that appointment much easier.

What to Expect: The Initial Visit

Veneers can’t be applied in a single visit. At the first visit, your dentist will:

  • File down a thin coating of enamel to prepare for the veneers
  • Take an impression of your teeth to have the veneers made
  • Set another appointment for 1-2 weeks in the future

Consult with your dentist about whether or not anesthetic will be used for this appointment. In some cases, it may not be required. In others, or if your teeth are particularly sensitive, a local anesthetic may be necessary.

What to Expect: Applying the Veneers

At your next visit, the veneers will be applied. You can expect your dentist to:

  • Apply a local anesthetic if necessary (again, some won’t need it)
  • Clean your teeth
  • Roughen the surface of the tooth or teeth
  • Apply the veneer
  • Use UV light to quickly harden the cement
  • Schedule a follow-up visit if needed

Following application of your veneers, you may experience some tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity should wear off quickly to leave you with a brighter, more even smile. If you need dental veneers in Cary, visit this website for more information.

Dealing with Wisdom Teeth


If you don’t have adequate space in your mouth or your wisdom teeth are angled incorrectly, it can be painful when they start to come in. Be sure to check with your dentist to learn whether or not your wisdom teeth need to be removed before they create bigger problems.

3 Questions to Ask Potential Family Dentists

You want a family dentist who will be with your family for years: someone who will make everyone in the family comfortable and take care of all of your dental needs. Your dentist needs to be someone that you trust to make the best decisions for your oral care. As you’re seeking out a dentist to work with you, your spouse, and your children,

Question 1: What is your typical experience with children?

Your children’s opinion of the dentist will be shaped in a few short visits. Will they eagerly look forward to the visit, chattering excitedly about what they’ll get out of the treasure box and how much they look forward to seeing the dentist that day, or will they whine and complain, scuffing their feet the entire time? Their attitude about their childhood dentist will also have a significant impact on their adult willingness to visit the dentist. Make sure that your dentist is able to develop a good rapport with children and work with them to ensure their comfort and security throughout their visits. You should also make sure that your family dentist is familiar with pediatric dentistry and the unique needs of children before bringing your family to their office.

Question 2: What is your payment policy?

It’s important to understand how your dental office is going to expect you to pay. While you might have excellent insurance, it’s rare for your insurance to cover every aspect of a visit, particularly if you’re there for more than just a cleaning. Make sure you understand the payment policies of the office you’re considering. Are you expected to pay in full up front, or will you have time to work out a payment plan? What are the fees for different services? Understanding all of this information up front will keep you from being blindsided when your appointment is over.

Question 3: What are your specialties?

Talk with your dentist about their specialties and the things that are most important to them. Are they particularly attentive to pediatric patients? Do they specialize in patients who get nervous when they’re in the dentist’s chair? Ideally, you want your dentist’s specialties to match up with your family’s unique needs. If you’re a nervous dental patient, or worse, if you have a child who is, you don’t want a dentist who is brisk and hard to get along with!

Your family dentist is an important decision. You want to select one who is in line with your most important goals: keeping your family’s oral health intact. If you’re looking for a family dentist in Apex, visit this website to learn more.

Research explores patients' decision-making process in purchasing dental care

While most dental patients believe dental care is an absolute necessity, it takes patients an average of 69.8 days to decide whether to purchase treatment, according to market research conducted....read more

Friday 22 January 2016

3 Reasons to Whiten Your Teeth


One of the easiest ways to improve the look of your smile is by whitening your teeth. This cosmetic procedure is extremely popular because of its low cost and great results. Even if your teeth are stained or discolored, you can still be a candidate for teeth whitening. Consider these reasons to have your teeth whitened: 

1.       Pain-free dental work?

Tooth whitening is non-evasive and comfortable for patients. You may have some sensitivity or irritation of your gums, but that goes away quickly, leaving you with a dazzling smile that didn’t hurt a bit. 

2.       More Bang for Your Buck!

Whitening treatment is a very inexpensive way to improve the look of your teeth. It takes an hour or less to have your teeth lightened in a dental office, and you can see a difference almost immediately after one treatment.

 3.       Maintenance Free?

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, bleaching your teeth does not require many repeat procedures. You can maintain your whiter smile at home with trays made at the dentist’s office, but you won’t have to use them frequently. If you reduce foods that stain your teeth, like red wine, coffee, tea, and blueberries, your brightened smile can last up to two years!

With teeth whitening, your yellowed, dingy teeth can be a thing of the past. If you want more information about how to make your teeth whitening in Cary, visit this website.

Smile and the World Smiles with You

Look camera-ready all the time with straight, white teeth you are happy to show the world. See what you can do to achieve the smile you want.

Understanding Tooth Extraction

Have you been told you need to have a tooth pulled?  You might go through a few stages of grief, wondering if it is necessary, or just being upset to lose a tooth, before you accept the inevitable and schedule the procedure. Having your tooth extracted can be straightforward with no reason to worry or panic. Understanding what to expect is the best way to lessen your fear and be prepared.

There are a number of reasons why people need to have a tooth extracted. For children, it may be as ordinary as having a baby tooth removed to make way for an adult tooth. Sometimes teeth must be pulled before orthodontic work can begin. Your tooth may be damaged due to an injury or accident, or even because infection has occurred. If your tooth cannot be saved, the alternative is to have it removed, and it is the most common dental procedure performed today.

How a tooth is extracted may depend on what the problem is with your tooth. If it is a routine extraction on a tooth that is not impacted, it can be removed either in a dentist’s office or by an oral surgeon. The dental professional will begin by numbing the area with a local anesthetic injection. After your tooth and gum are numb, the dentist or oral surgeon will loosen the tooth by rocking it back and forth. You may feel pressure during the procedure, but it should not be painful.

For an impacted tooth, extraction is performed surgically. An impacted tooth has not fully emerged from the bone or gum, so it does not come out as easily. Surgical extraction is usually done at an oral surgeon’s office. You may require general anesthesia for this procedure instead of or in addition to an injection. A small incision is made in your gum, with soft tissue and bone cut away as needed to access the impacted tooth. Forceps are then used to rock the tooth loose and remove it. You may require stitches at the incision site.

Aftercare for both procedures is simple. Take pain medication as needed, and be sure to follow any dietary restrictions and cleaning instructions. You should be back to normal in a few days and completely healed in a week or two. Contact your dentist or oral surgeon if the swelling and pain get any worse. For more information about what to expect for tooth extractions in Cary, please visit this website.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

When the Tooth Needs to Go


Once you get your money from the tooth fairy, you’re supposed to be finished losing teeth. As an adult, though, you might find that more teeth need to come out.  Here are three common reasons your dentist may recommend tooth extraction.

1.       Disease

When the center of your tooth has been damaged, bacteria may cause an infection. Sometimes infections are cured by root canals or medication. Often, though, the tooth needs to come out so that the infection doesn’t spread beyond the tooth.

2.       Risk

If you’re undergoing medical treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy, your dentist may suggest removing a tooth at the first sign of an infection. Additionally, he might recommend extraction if you’ve had an organ transplant. Periodontal disease also may be a factor, as it causes your teeth to loosen from your gums.

3.       Overcrowding

Another reason to have teeth pulled is if your mouth is overcrowded. Some teeth may be blocked from coming in, while others may be too big for your mouth. Removing a tooth allows the rest of your teeth to have room in your gums.

Although you don’t get a visit from the tooth fairy after tooth extractions, they usually are beneficial. Visit this website for more information about teeth extractions in Chapel Hill.

The Importance of a Dentist That Works With Children


Your child's teeth are an important part of physical development. Going to the dentist can be a scary experience for young children, but it helps to go to a dentist who specializes in working with children.

Pediatric Dentists Have Special Training

Because a child's teeth are more fragile than adult teeth, a pediatric dentist has received special education. He or she has learned about the development of a child's teeth and jaw.

Pediatric Dentists Speak a Kid's Language

A pediatric dentist learns how to speak to children. He or she will know how to use a calming voice and how to get your child excited about taking care of his or her teeth. A pediatric dentist will also be able to explain to your child what is going on in terms he or she can understand.

Pediatric Dentists Use Psychology

Psychology is an important part of training for a pediatric dentist. He or she learns how to create a calm and inviting waiting room environment and how to establish trust and confidence with your child. A traditional dentist probably won't have an office that "speaks" to children.

If it’s time for you to take your child to his or her first dentist appointment, be sure to find one who specializes in pediatric dentistry. Visit this page to learn more about a pediatric dentist in Cary.

Three common questions new dentists have

New dentists have a lot to consider as they enter the workforce out of school. From permits and insurance to regulations.........read more

Removing Your Rotten Teeth


Ideally, your teeth would last a lifetime. However, once a tooth starts decaying, it usually needs to go. Dentists typically remove your rotten tooth in one of two ways.

1.       Why It Rots

Every day, your teeth are exposed to a variety of sugars and acids from your food. They combine with bacteria to form plaque. Although you clean your teeth regularly, your tooth’s enamel may break down over time, allowing the plaque to reach the softer layers of your teeth. As it penetrates deeper, a tooth may start to rot.

2.       Simple Extraction

This procedure is usually performed by your dentist on teeth that you can see. You typically receive a local anesthetic. To loosen your tooth, your dentist uses an elevator, a type of dental tool. He then may use forceps for extraction.  

3.       Surgical Extraction

This type of extraction is typically done by an oral surgeon. Teeth that have not grown in or that have broken near the gum often require surgical extraction. You usually are given both a local anesthetic as well as intravenous anesthesia. To remove the rotten tooth, the surgeon makes a cut into your gum and uses forceps to pull the tooth out.

The thought of removing a tooth may be unpleasant at first but your mouth is usually happier afterward. Visit this website for more information about tooth removal in Raleigh.

Protect Your Teeth From Cavities


Usually, you think of cavities as something from your childhood. If you don’t take good care of your teeth, though, you’ll hear your dentist tell you that you need a filling. Cavities aren’t something to take lightly. There are several ways they can ruin your teeth if you don’t get fillings.

1.       Tooth Abscess

Cavities are caused by the build-up of plaque, which decays your teeth. This damage is usually permanent. As cavities grow larger, they may become abscesses, an infection of the pulp of a tooth. If untreated, abscesses might spread to the surrounding tissue.

2.       Fractures

A cavity may also cause a tooth to break. Because cavities wear down enamel, a tooth’s structural integrity is weakened and may fracture from activities such as eating. A fracture has the potential to lead to infection as well.

3.         Tooth Removal

Cavities may wear away the inside of a tooth if left untreated. In these cases, the nerves are damaged and the tooth usually begins to rot. Common solutions are either a root canal or extraction.

Although they don’t seem like problems initially, cavities have the potential to cause major damage in your mouth. You can prevent this by making sure they’re filled as soon as your dentist finds one. For more information about cavity fillings in Cary, visit this website.

A Very Modern, Clean And Inviting Dental Office


Today’s dental offices are not only very technologically advanced, but frequently characterized by visually appealing layouts that allow dentists to do their work efficiently and make patients feel calm.

Fill Your Gaps With Partial Dentures


Your smile is one of your best assets. It’s hard to feel confident about your smile, though, if it has gaps because of missing teeth. To fill these gaps, consider getting partial dentures. They may give your smile the sparkle it needs.

1.       Types

Partial dentures come in two different styles, removable and fixed. Both fit between your healthy teeth. The removable kind has a metal frame and plastic base the color of your gums. Conversely, the fixed type is a permanent implant that attaches either to your jaw or gum tissue.     

2.       Benefits

Closing gaps in your smile brings many benefits besides a full smile. You’ll also lower your chances of getting gum diseases and will usually keep your teeth in place as well. Additionally, partial dentures keep extra stress off of your jaw and make activities such as chewing and speaking easier and more natural.

3.       Care

Your dentures will need daily care to ensure that they remain in good condition. A denture brush or toothbrush with soft bristles typically removes both food and stains. Nightly soaking in cleanser typically helps dentures maintain their shape. You’ll want to rinse this cleanser off in the morning. Because dentures are often delicate, you may want to clean them over a sink.

Make sure gaps in your teeth don’t keep your smile from being its best. For more information about partial dentures in Chapel Hill, visit this website.

Inventory management of human cells, dental education topics of two technical reports available for review

Two new technical reports, which provide information about new products and technologies, and a white paper, are available for review from the ADA Standards........read more

3 Conveniences of an Emergency Dentist


Tooth ailments don’t happen on an office schedule. If your regular dentist isn't available during off hours, it is important to have an emergency dentist as a backup. Consider the conveniences.

Available on Short Notice

Even if you have a dental emergency during office hours, it can be hard to get into your traditional dentist on such short notice. An emergency dentist is set up specifically to take patients on short notice, so you'll spend less time hoping for a cancellation and more time being treated.

You Can Go After Hours

A typical dentist usually closes his or her offices in the early evening. Even if he or she has extended hours, they probably aren't open much later than other offices. If you have a painful dental emergency after hours, waiting until the next day isn't always an option. Emergency dental offices are often open much later than other offices are, and some of them even provide 24-hour service.

They Are Open on Weekends

If you only have a traditional dentist, he or she probably isn't open on weekends, and definitely not on Sunday. Emergency dentists usually offer appointments on both Saturday and Sunday, meaning you can get treatment right away instead of pushing through the pain until Monday morning.

With the right emergency dental service, you can be sure you have treatment options exactly when you need them. Visit this website to receive more information about an emergency dentist in Durham.